Things I want to do.

  1. Learn Japanese
  2. Adopt a cat shelter
  3. Live in another country for a year
  4. Plant a garden
  5. Read 500 books
  6. Start a non-profit organization
  7. Fly a light aircraft
  8. Write a novel
  9. Teach an online course
  10. Start a company
  11. Travel to all states in India
  12. Buy manga and games in Akihabara
  13. Ride a hot-air balloon in Cappadocia
  14. Eat kulche in Amritsar
  15. Run 10 kilometers
  16. Camp in a desert in Arabia
  17. Live in a castle in Europe
  18. Eat at a Gordon Ramsay restaurant
  19. Publish at a top-tier conference
  20. Learn to play a musical instrument
  21. Visit Kailash Mansarovar lake in Tibet
  22. Road trip on Route 66 in USA
  23. Author a patent
  24. Hike the Andes
  25. Visit 7 wonders of the world
  26. Explore the Amazon rainforest
  27. Ride the cable car in Zhangjiajie, China
  28. Visit Tehran during Nowruz
  29. Ride the Trans-Siberian Railway in Russia
  30. Ride in a houseboat in Kashmir
  31. See the Milky Way from Australia
  32. See the Aurorae Borealis
  33. Hike Mount Fuji
  34. See penguins in Antarctica
  35. Play with elephants in ENP, Thailand
  36. Visit a volcano in Reykjavik
  37. Be kind